Men and Women of Nor'wood

We believe that men and women are created in the image of God and as such have equal standing and value before Him.We also believe God’s design and structure creates distinctions of nature and roles for men and women.Our desire is to honor God and His design and to exhort the church to live in obedience to what He calls good.

Our desire for our men is to teach them that God has designed them to lead, protect, and shepherd a family.Our focus is to imbue the importance of leading and loving their wife and household as Christ leads and loves His church.We believe that Scripture teaches that a husband and father is in an inescapable position of leadership and responsibility, and our desire is to equip our men to lead in a Christ-honoring, Biblical manner.We meet once a month, going through a variety of studies to help our men understand and practically apply Biblical truth regarding masculinity, Godly leadership, and the pursuit of marital oneness.As part of these studies, we exhort our men to take time to lead and engage with their wife regarding what God is challenging them to do to apply these truths to their marriage and family life.

Our desire for our women is to teach them that God has designed them to be a helper, life giver, and nurturer of a family.We believe that Scripture teaches that a wife has been created to be a helper suitable for her husband.She is called to submit to her husband as unto the Lord, and she is to respect him.As such, our desire is to encourage and equip our women to practically apply and live out the truths they are learning, to love their husbands and children, to pursue marital oneness, and to seek to be the helper God has designed them to be.We do this through thoughtful and intentional times of fellowship and through our prayer partner ministry.

Our church is also comprised of unmarried women of all ages, and our desire is to minister to them well as we seek to provide biblical headship and protection for them as shepherds of the church.For more information, please see the Unmarried Women ministry page.