Paul & Brenda Mattson

Paul and Brenda Mattson currently work at the home office of CrossWorld in Kansas City, MO. Paul is the International Director for part of Europe and Asia. He travels overseas to direct the staff working in nine different countries. Paul is also involved in the Executive Team as an innovator and networker. He is part of CrossWorld’s new innovation team and is exploring new options for taking businesses overseas for outreach purposed. Paul traveled to France and Germany in May (2011) to visit workers there and to attend the board meeting for Black Forest Academy.

Brenda is the appointee coach coordinator. As such, she leads the team who oversees the candidates from the time they are accepted into CrossWorld until they leave for their field of service. She and her team disciple the appointees through assignments which they receive at Candidate Orientation, help and encourage them through the process of support development and deal with all the details of first time departure. Recently Brenda traveled to France to speak at CrossWorld’s All-Europe Ladies’ Staff Retreat where she spoke on the Joy of the Lord is Your Strength- Soaring on the Winds of Adversity. She usedo her cancer experience and Paul’s diagnosis of Parkinson’s as illustrations. Before and after the retreat she was able to visit many friends both churched and unchurched.